Vikram Sandhu- AWS Admin

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My First Name: Vikram
My Last Name: Sandhu
My profile: AWS Cloud

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Looking for: FullTime job
My Expected Amount: 30000/m
My Skills: ❖    AWS Cloud Computing: Provide daily monitoring management, troubleshooting.


❖       Seeking a challenging professional environment where  I  can enlarge my knowledge repertoire and utilize my capabilities &  energy to the best.


❖       Matriculation from Board of School Education Haryana Bhiwani with 65% marks
❖       10+2 from Board of School Education Haryana Bhiwani with 65% marks.


❖       Three Years Diploma in Computer Engg.  from  Govt.  Polytechnic Sonipat with 68% marks (Haryana).
❖       B. Tech in Computer Engg. from Apex Institute of  Management Gorgarh Karnal affiliated  Kurukshetra  University  Kurukshetra with 67% marks.
❖ Computer Engg. from G.I.M.T Bilaspur affiliated Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra with 67% marks.
❖       6-month Industry training from Techedo Technologies, Pvt.Ltd, Chandigarh


❖       Continuous self-improvement.
❖       Ability to work as a team member.
❖       Ability to understand analyze client requirements.
❖       Positive thinking
❖       Self-starter


❖       AWS Cloud Computing: Provide daily monitoring management, troubleshooting, and issue resolution to systems and services hosted on cloud resources.
❖       Working knowledge on AWS resources installation of EC2, EBS, Load Balancing-ALB/NLB, Route53, RDS.
❖       Design the overall Virtual Private Cloud VPC environment including server instance, storage instances, subnets, availability zones, etc.
❖       Configuring IAM Accounts, Cloud Front, Auto Scaling
❖       Configuring monitoring through Cloudwatch & Cloudtrail
❖       Configuring alerts for resources & notifying through SNS, SQS
❖       Hardware & Networking,Linux,HTML


❖       English, Hindi & Punjabi.


❖       Reading Books & Newspaper.
❖       Interacting with People.
❖       Playing & Watching Volleyball.


❖       Father’s Name:       Sh. Pala Ram
❖       Date of Birth:       24th March
❖       Sex:       Male
❖       Marital Status:       Unmarried
❖       Nationality:        Indian

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