This includes topics such as history of big data, its elements, career related knowledge, advantages, disadvantages and similar topics.
This modole shoold focus on the application perspective of Big Data covering topics such as using big data in marketing, analytics, retail, hospitality, consumer good, defense etc.
Big Data is primarily characterized by Hadoop. This modole cover topics such as Introduction to Hadoop, functioning of Hadoop, Cloud computing (features, advantages, applications) etc
This includes learning about Hadoop and its ecosystem which includes HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, HBase, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Zookeeper, Flume, Oozie etc.
This modole shoold cover the entire framework of MapReduce and uses of map-reduce.
This modole covers the big data stack i.e. data source layer, ingestion layer, source layer, security layer, visualization layer, visualization approaches etc.
This modole shoold cover all about databases, polygot persistence and their related introductory knowledge
This includes an entire modole of HDFS, HBase and their respective ways to store and manage data along with their commands.
This emphasizes on developing simple mapreduce framework and the concepts applied to it.
After the applications are developed, the next step is to test and debug it. This modoles imparts this knowledge.
This modole covers the background of YARN, advantages of YARN, working with YARN, backward compatibility with YARN, YARN Commands, log management etc.
This modoles introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of Hive.
This modoles introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of PIG.
This modoles introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of Oozie.
This modoles covers all about NoSQL including document databases, relationships, graph databases, schema less databases, CAP Theorem etc.
This modole introduces you to RHadoop, ways to do text mining and related knowledge.
In this article,we covered the complete syllabus of Big Data Technologies. This syllabus should give you a comprehensive overview of the topics that you should cover in your upcoming big data training. If you realize, that your training doesn’t have any of the mentioned module in the syllabus, I’d recommend you to get in touch with the course administrator and get all your querie
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